What have we bought?

After doing some research, I came to the conclusion I don't know what I bought.
The registration form mentions 
brand: Triumph 
model: Spitfire Lenham 
construction year: 1964.

Although the car is modified with a Lenham bonnet, This was (as far as I know) never released as an off-factory model by Triumph. So it sounds strange this is mentioned as model. I would have assumed "Spitfire 4" based on the construction year.

And here is something else odd. The car has a chassis number FD4xxx.
Based on this the car should be a Spitfire MK3, but the MK3 dates '67 till '70.
Due to the Lenham glass fiber bonnet and trunk, my spit looks like neither.

Based on the rear bumper, the direction indicators, the position of the contact, I assume it's a MK3.
Which doesn't fit whit the construction year. 
I guess an administrative mistake during import from the UK into The Netherlands in 91. 
On the other hand if it would be a car from '67 or later, it would be equipped with seatbelts which it isn't. (off course could be removed)

Looking from the pessimistic side it looks like a bought a car which smells weird. Hope it's not to bad
Looking from the optimistic side it looks like a bought a mystery and with a bit of luck a unique car.
I'm fine as long the car is technically OK. future will tell... 

Tomorrow I will check more details... I'm convinced I will end up with a MK3 most likely from '68 



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